Miriam Vlaming

In Miriam Vlaming's large-scale paintings in egg tempera, the painter breaks down the boundaries between man and nature as well as past and reality. She creates a harmonious symbiosis between these supposed opposites through hazy layers created by the application and removal of paint. In doing so, she allows the depicted figures to emerge from a natural, dreamlike environment. Through this aesthetic, Vlaming opens the viewer's eyes to the multifaceted aspects and philosophical questions of being human, which she addresses in her paintings. Miriam Vlaming always has the overall picture in mind in her mysterious pictorial worlds. She plays with ambiguous metaphors. “Disruptions and contradictions interest me ... the moment after or before something has happened...not the history." Her egg tempera paintings satisfy a deep human need for knowledge. The important member of the New Leipzig School studied at times with Neo Rauch. She was a master’s student under the direction of Arno Rink and is represented in numerous public and private collections.

Studies of Education, Sociology and Psychology at Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf
Study of Painting and Graphics at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig
Student Program Painting, Course of Prof. Jan Dibbets, Kunstakademie Dusseldorf
Master Class with Final Degree Meisterschülerin of Prof. Arno Rink, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Germany
Assistant Academy, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig
Lectureship for Architectural Perspective, University for Technology, Economy and Culture (HTWK), Leipzig
Lectureship for Illustration, Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung, BTK Berlin
Lectureship for Painting at the 14th International Summer Academy for Fine Arts, Dresden
Award for Diploma of Painting and Graphic at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig
Saxonian Scholarship for Master Studies at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig
Artist Residency in Kenya, East Africa promoted by Graduate Scholarship
Scholarship in Columbus, Ohio, USA promoted by Free State Saxony, Germany and The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC), Ohio, USA
Scholarship at Herzliya, Israel promoted by the Cultural Administration Berlin organized by schir in Cooperation with Artists Residence Herzliya, Israel
Collection Altana, Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
Collection of german Bundesbank, Frankfurt
Collection Hildebrand / Kunsthalle G2, Leipzig
Artfond of free State Saxony, Dresden
Collection Philara, Dusseldorf
Collection Sparkasse Leipzig / Art Gallery Leipzig, Leipzig
State Art Collection Dresden, Dresden
Collection contemporary Painting and Graphic/culture center Leuna, Leuna
Collection Sør Rusche, Oelde/Berlin
Collection Richter, Nürnberg
Collection Kerber, Bielefeld/Berlin
Collection Frisch, Berlin
Collection Kleinsimlinghaus, Krefeld
Collection Robert Bosch Gmbh, Germany
VnG Art – Collection Contemporary Painting and Graphic, Leipzig
Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal
Museum Der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig
"VOIX - MalerinnenNetzWerk Berlin-Leipzig", MdBK Leipzig, E. A. Seemann
„Vertigo“, Museum Abtei Liesborn (Ed.), Kerber Verlag, Monograph in the context of the Solo Exhibition with texts from Teresa Bischoff, Jutta Desel, Anne Diestelkamp, Martin Oswald
„Der Mensch. Das Wesen“, Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst – Diether Kunerth (Ed.), Monograph in the context of the Solo Exhibition
„Miriam Vlaming. Vor Tür und Wand“, documentary, Director: Manuel Dorn, ca. 40 min., german
„Human Nature“, Kerber publishing company (Ed.), Bielefeld
„Du sollst dir (k)ein Bild machen“, Ochs, Alexander/ Zimmermann, Petra (Ed.), Bielefeld
„Bielefelder Contemporary. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Bielefelder Privatsammlungen“, Bielefelder Art society/Thiel, Thomas, Bielefeld
„Sommer Nacht“, ALTANA Kulturstiftung GmbH/ Firmenich, A./ Janssen, J. (Ed.), Berlin
„Frisch aus Berlin“, Frisch, Dr. Harald, Bielefeld
„Wahrheiten. Werke aus der SØR Rusche Sammlung Oelde/Berlin“, Bayer AG Communications - Bayer Kultur / Rusche, Dr. Dr. Thomas (Ed.), Bielefeld
„Blitzgewitter. Erzgeburtstag“, Gisbourne, Mark / Meyer, Clemens / Wiesner, Harald (Ed.)
„Schöne Landschaft – bedrohte Natur. Alte Meister im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst.“, Rusche, Dr. Dr. Thomas (Ed.), Bielefeld/Berlin
„Zwischen den Zeiten“, Stadt Osnabrück / Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche Osnabrück (Ed.), Bramsche
„An die Natur. ALTANA Kunstsammlung.“, ALTANA Kulturstiftung; Firmenich, Andrea (Ed.), Cologne
„Rink & Vlaming. Malerei.“, Frisch, Harald (Ed.), Berlin
„Zweidimensionale. Competition für Bildkunst, Musik- und Kunstkritik 2004.“, Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Leipzig (Ed.)
THE GODS ARE LOOKING DOWN ON US, Kunsthalle „Kunst im Turm“, Lippstadt
„Ready, steady, go around“, Galerie Rother, Wiesbaden
„Wald. Wolf. Wildnis.“ Museum Abtei Liesborn
„Nothing else Matters“, Villa Goecke, Krefeld
„The female Gaze“, Goethe-Institut Hongkong
"Wandlungen" Haus Beda, Bitburg
"We Shall Live Forever" Artax Kunsthandel KG, Villa Goecke, Krefeld
"The nature of daylight" Richard Haizmann Museum – Museum für Moderne Kunst | Kunstverein Niebüll
"All you need is love", GALERIE VON&VON
"Bis ans Ende der Welt", Gallery Schlichtenmaier, Stuttgart
"Homunculus – Homuncula", Kunstverein Coburg
"Take me to the matador", Gallery Cyprian Brenner, Schwäbisch Hall
"The nature of daylight", Richard Haizmann Museum – Museum für Moderne Kunst | Kunstverein Niebüll
"Brave My Heart", Gallery Rother und Winter, Wiesbaden
"Kreaturen", Weisses Haus Markkleeberg
„Vertigo“, Museum Abtei Liesborn
„Miriam Vlaming. Malen“, Orangerie der Anhaltischen Gemäldegalerie Dessau
„Miriam Vlaming. Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern", Kunstverein Duisburg
„Der Mensch“, Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Ottobeuren
„Miriam Vlaming“, GALERIE VON&VON
„Treasure World”, Gallery Tristan Lorenz, Frankfurt
„Eden”, Galerie Dukan, Paris, France
„Eden”, Galerie Dukan, Leipzig
„Wonderland”, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Dusseldorf
„Drifter”, Zic Zerp Galerie, Rotterdam, Netherlands
„Fool’s Paradise”, Villa Goecke, Krefeld
„Muse”, Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin
„Miriam Vlaming. The Unknownland”, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin
„Wahre Sagen”, Gallery Martin Mertens, Berlin
„Every Single Day”, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Beijing, China
„Habseligkeiten”, Gallery Wolfgang Gmyrek, Dusseldorf
„Für Immer”, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin
„You Promised Me”, Kunsthalle Mannheim
„You are Wearing a Mask”, Gallery Martin Mertens, Berlin
„Good Morning Revival”, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, USA
„Afterall”, Maerzgallery Leipzig
„Neverlasting Summer”, Gallery Wolfgang Gmyrek, Dusseldorf
„Survivor”, Gallery Stefan Denninger, Berlin
„West End”, Gallery Christa Burger, München
„Living the Dream”, Maerzgallery Leipzig
„Summer Collection”, Spring studies, Columbus, USA
„Wonderland”, Max-Planck-Institut, Berlin
„Expedition”, Gallery Stefan Denninger, Berlin
„Vlaming”, Maerzgallery Leipzig
„Miriam Vlaming”, cc room, Berlin
„In Between”, Messehaus am Markt, Leipzig
„My Famous Love Affairs”, Gallery Kermer, Leipzig
DEINE SCHNIPSEL – MEINE SCHNIPSEL, Villa Goecke, Krefeld, Germany
INTO THE REALM OF MY FORGOTTEN HEART, Kunsthalle im Penck Hotel, Dresden, Germany
MADONNEN & MEDUSEN, Galerie Holger John, Dresden, Germany
TOUECHEÈ, Hilbertraum, Berlin, Germany
Sahne, Galerie Holger John, Dresden, Germany
„Female Perspectives“, Lachenmann Art, Frankfurt a.M.
"Decade", Galerie VON&VON, Nuremberg
"COMFY AT SONIC SPEED" Lachenmann Art, Frankfurt a.M.
"J+1" Galerie Jarmuschek + Partner, Berlin
"ESSENCE OF COLOUR – BLUE" Städtische Galerie im Leeren Beutel, Regensburg
"RENDEZVOUS MIT DER FIGUR" Galerie Schlichtenmaier, Graefenau
"ANGELIKA PLATEN: MEINE FRAUEN" Galerie Von & Von, Nürnberg
"TWENTY THOUSAND VOLTS" Lachenmann Art, Konstanz
"KICK LINE" Thaler Originalgrafik, Leipzig
"CAMPARI" Galerie Tedden, Düsseldorf
"MELANCHOLIE" Galerie Holger John, Dresden
"ALS WÄREN ES MEINER DREI" Neuer Kunstverein e.V. Arschaffenburg, Arschaffenburg
"MALEREI" Studio d’Arte Cannaviello, Mailand. Italien
"150 JAHRE LANDSCHAFTSMALEREI" Galerie Schlichtenmaier, Grafenau
"BLICK NACH VORN – AUFBRUCH IN DIE 2020ER JAHRE" Galerie Schlichtenmaier, Grafenau
"LICHT UND NEBEL" Galerie 1923, Wattwil, Schweiz
"FRAUENPOWER – WOMAN POWER" Galerie Michael W. Schmalfuss, Marburg
"LUSUS NATURAE" Berlin con mucho arte (BcmA), Berlin
"SAMMLUNG IM BLICK: LEIPZIGER SCHULE" Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig, Leipzig
"H2O" Galerie Michael W. Schmalfuss, Marburg
"FREMDE MÄCHTE – MALEREI AUS LEIPZIG" Franz Gertsch Museum, Schweiz
"WALD. WOLF. WILDNIS." Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden
"WALD. WOLF. WILDNIS." Fritz-von-Wille-Museum im Haus Beda, Bitburg
Altes Rathaus der Stadt Wittlich, Wittlich
"SPEKTRUM LEIPZIG" Galerie Von & Von, Nürnberg
"VOIX" Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Leipzig
"TANZ IST VERWANDLUNG" Galerie Schlichtenmaier, Schloss Dätzingen
„VOIX“, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig
„Under the Underground“, Gallery Franzkowiak, Berlin
„Blaue Stunde“, Gallery Schmalfuß, Berlin
„Preparing for Darkness“, Kühlhaus at Gleisdreieck, Berlin
„Painting XXL“, Ausstellungshalle 1a, Gallery Leuenroth
„Nach dem Bild ist vor dem Bild. Malerinnen aus Leipzig“, Art Society Freunde aktueller Kunst, Zwickau
„Ereignis Druckgrafik 10/2018“, Bund Bildender Künstler Leipzig e.V.
„Zündung“, Turps Gallery, London, UK
„Strange Beauty“, Gallery Beck & Eggerling, Vienna, Austria
Editionen, Villa Goecke, Krefeld
Art Karlsruhe, GALERIE VON&VON, Nuremberg
„Salon d'Hiver“, Zic Zerp Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
„Strange Beauty“, Galerie Beck&Eggeling, Dusseldorf
„11 in 4“, GALERIE VON&VON, Nuremberg
„Painting XX – MNW”, Kunsthalle Lüneburg, Leipzig/Berlin
„Farbauftrag“, Haus am Lützowplatz, Studio Gallery, Berlin
„Neue Freunde”, Kunstverein Duisburg, Duisburg
„Immanence”, Pictura Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
„Entfesselt“, Schloss Achberg, Ravensburg
„Interiors“, Gallery Dukan, Leipzig
„Undercover“, Artdocks Bremen, Bremen
„Tiere sehen dich an“, Zionskirche (curated by Alexander Ochs), Berlin
„Frisch aus Berlin”, Stadtmuseum Oldenburg, Oldenburg
„Eröffnungsausstellung G2. Sammlung Hildebrand”, G2 Kunsthalle, Leipzig
„Eternal Lines“, Zerp Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
„Drei Künstler. Drei Zimmer”, Alexander Ochs Private, Berlin
„Bielefeld contemporary“, Bielefelder Kunstverein im Waldhof, Bielefeld
„One Million Traces“, Kunstverein Duisburg, Berlin
„Haltlose Gründe“, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Darmstadt
„The Birth of Cinema and Beyond“, Rosenfeld Porcini, London, UK
„Private Kunstsammlungen Münster – Director's Choice“, Kunsthalle Münster
„I am a Berliner“, Museo del l’Arte del Novecento e del Contemporaneo, Sassari, Italy
„I am a Berliner“, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
„Berlin Klondyke 2011“, Klondyke Institute for Art & Culture, Dawson, Canada
„A common Dialect“, Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, Netherlands
„Blickkontakte“, Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie Dessau, Orangerie bei Schloss Georgium, Dessau
„Silent Revolution“, Kerava Art Museum, Kerava, Finland
„Liebhaberstücke“, Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr
„Realisme uit Leipzig“, Drents Museum, Assen, Netherlands
„Rink & Vlaming Malerei“, Museum der Stadt Ratingen
„Under the Sky white Space Beijing“, Alexander Ochs Galleries, Beijing, China
„Nuovi Pittori Tedeschi“, Studio d’Arte Cannaviello, Milan, Italy
„Traumschiff Malerei“, Museum der Stadt Ratingen
„Wild at Heart“, Kunstverein Speyer, Villa Oppenheim, Berlin
„The History Place“, Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, USA
„Neue Deutsche Malerei/Leipziger Kunst”, Xawery Dunkowski Museum, Warsaw, Poland
Städtische Gallery Arsenal, Posen
Regionalmuseum Krockow, Krockow, Poland
Baltische Kunstgalerie, Köslin, Poland
„Three Versions Isabelle DUTOIT“, Goethe-Institute, German Embassy, London, Great Britain (with Sophia Schama)
Paradise for advanced
Anne Diestelkamp
From her early creative periods, Miriam Vlaming was already concerned with the symbiosis of man and nature. Characteristic of her works is the fusion of the canvas protagonists with the floral ornamentation surrounding them. While she explores the relationships between man and natural as well as urban habitats, Vlaming very often lets her figures disappear into their environment or emerge from it. It is not uncommon for Vlaming's figures to seem to grow out of the wild structures of the landscape, as if nature were giving birth to man. The artist raises the question of human identity and becoming human to the central theme of her work.
In her final years, Vlaming has steadily developed into a visual anthropologist, exploring the central theme of man in harmony or conflict with nature, as well as human nature itself. In doing so, the artist explores the aspects of the domestication of nature on the part of man that contrast with the beliefs and values that so uniquely characterize man.
Miriam Vlaming, one of the important representatives of the New Leipzig School, studied at the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts with Arno Rink and graduated with honors in 1999, subsequently becoming Rink's master student for two years. Miriam Vlaming's training as well as her figurative works legitimize her assignment to the New Leipzig School. Unlike other members of this movement, however, Miriam Vlaming always moves on the border to abstraction by interweaving man and nature with the ornamentation and painterly structures surrounding them.
The artist, who took a teaching position after graduation (2001-2003) and taught at the 14th International Dresden Summer Academy of Fine Arts in 2011, has shown her work at numerous international solo exhibitions. Of particular note is the show "YOU PROMISED ME," which brought together some 50 paintings at the Kunsthalle Mannheim in 2008. Her works are represented in important public collections and museums, including the Von der Heydt Museum in Wuppertal, the Museum der Bildenden Künste in Leipzig, the ALTANA Kulturstiftung, the art collection of the Deutsche Bundesbank or the corporate collection Robert Bosch GmbH.