Alfred Haberpointner

Alfred Haberpointner - Konkrete Verwandlungen

Sammlung Würth und Privatbesietz


€ 34,00

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In a comprehensive solo exhibition, Museum Würth in Künzelsau presents the Austrian sculptor Alfred Haberpointner (*1966 in Salzburg). On the basis of works from the museum's own collection, which date exclusively from the 1990s, and numerous older and more recent loans, various work complexes are presented. The oeuvre is presented both in individual objects and in installation works. An essential material of the artist is wood. Haberpointner creates abstract forms from oak, walnut, lime, ash, church, aspen and other types of wood. Their effect lies primarily in the surface texture. The titles of the works already refer to the radical processing to which the wooden sculptures are subjected: sawn, chopped, blackened, burned, beaten. The materiality of the wood emphasizes their archetypal character. Surprising is the variety in structures and form inventions that Haberpointner extracts from the material and the form. Other works are made of lead, which the sculptor initially works on similarly to wood.

Alfred Haberpointner

Salzburg-born sculptor Alfred Haberpointner creates wooden sculptures that oscillate between an abstract, geometric form and a figurative image. With his work series spanning over the last two decades, Haberpointner proves how he has innovatively dealt with wooden materials and freed himself from the roots of craft-based, naturalistic wooden sculpture. In his "chopped images," he gives the wooden material an intense presence through systematic, rhythmic sections, which emerge through close observation and exploration of the textured surfaces and result in a dance between light and shadow. He is concerned with form in his works, particularly in the treatment of wood in all possible nuances and shadings. In each of his artworks, one can see the traces of the work process: Haberpointner subjects his reliefs and sculptures to a powerful, mechanical work process that leaves traces on the works. Through beating, chopping, and burning, textures emerge that give the works a relief-like surface, which lacks any mathematical precision and exudes a special aura. Alfred Haberpointner is represented in major art collections, such as the Würth Collection.


Born in Ebenau, Salzburg, Austria

1980 - 1984

College for Sculpture in Hallein, Austria

1985 - 1991

University for Design Linz, Austria


Advancement Award of University for Design Linz, Austria


Travels to Italy on a regular basis


Travels to Cologne on a regular basis


Work Scholarship granted by the region of Salzburg in Paris, France


Theodor-Körner-Prize promoting science and arts, Work Scholarship granted by the region of Salzburg


Austrian Work Scholarship by the Austrian federal ministry in New York, USA


Work Scholarship granted by the region of Salzburg in New York, USA


Promotion Award of the Province of Upper Austria

lives and works in Leonding (Linz) and Ebenau, Austria


„People Diversity“ Galerie Kovacek und Zetter GmbH, Vienna 
„Alfred Haberpointner - Existence and Form“, Galerie Kovacek und Zetter Gmbh , Vienna 
„Modern und Contemporary Art“ Galerie Kovacek and Zetter, GmbH, Vienna


„The long view“, Reinhold Würth and his Art, Swiridoff Verlag
„Sculptures and Paintings“, Galerie Kovacek and Zetter GmbH


The Liaunig Collection on the Move, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Austria
Masters Unveiled, Opera Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland 
The Monaco Masters Show, Monaco, France
Maria Schneider, Alfred Haberpointner, Hirmer Publishing Company, Munich, Germany


Blickachsen 11, Bad Homburg
The Monaco masters show, Opera Gallery, Monaco, France
Opposit attracts - Alfred Haberpointner, Opera Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


AEIOU - Austrian Aspects in the Würth Collection, Museum Würth, Künzelsau 
Alfred Haberpointner, Renate Bender Gallery, Munich


"Der Haken der Bildhauerei", Gerhard Marcks House - Upper Austrian Provincial Gallery Linz / Wienand Verlag


„Köpfe/Heads – Sculptures and Drawings“, Museum Beelden aan Zee (Hrsg.), Text: Dick van Broekhuizen, Ausst. Kat. Museum Beelden aan Zee, Den Haag


„Konkrete Verwandlungen“, Text: Carl Aigner, Exh. Cat. Museum Würth Künzelsau, Swiridoff Publishing Company, Karlsruhe


„Arsenal der Köpfe“, Text: Dieter Ronte, Exh. Cat. Kunstraum Fuhrwerkswaage Cologne


„Bilder und Skulpturen“, Text: Peter Weiermaier, Exh. Cat. Gallery Reckermann Köln, Gallery Chobot Vienna, Gallery Academia Salzburg


„Bilder und Skulpturen“, Text: Margit Zuckriegl, Hanne Weskott, Lucien Kayer, Exh. Cat. Art Society Kärnten Klagenfurt, Gallery Academia Salzburg


„Bilder und Skulpturen“, Text: Christiane Vielhaber, Exh. Cat. Gallery Reckermann Köln, Gallery Academia Salzburg, Köln


„Skulpturen“, Text: Peter Baum, self-published



"Alfred Haberpointner", Galerie 422, Gmunden, Austria
"Alfred Haberpointner", A.N. Contemporary- Sammlung Bäumler, Hohenems Austria


„Alfred Haberpointner“, Galerie Scheffel, Bad Homburg


Gallery Kovacek-Zetter, Vienna
Gallery Renate Bender, Munich
Salzburg Museum, Salzburg
Gallery Mario Mauroner, Salzburg


Opera Gallery, Miami, USA
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
Opera Gallery, Genf, Switzerland


Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg
Gallery 422, Gmunden, Austria


Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
Opera Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris, France
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria


Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Espacio Micus, Ibiza, Spain


Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria
Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris, France
Gallery Quintessens, Utrecht, Netherlands
Gallery Chobot, Vienna, Austria
Galerie im Feuerwerk, Fügen, Austria


„Reliefs“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Gallery 422, Gmunden, Austria


Gallery Chobot, Vienna, Austria
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria


„Der Haken der Bildhauerei“, Oberösterreichische Gallery, Linz, Austria
„Textur – Struktur – Raum“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria


Galerie C-Art, Dornbirn, Austria
„Köpfe / Heads, Sculptures and Drawings“, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Netherlands
„Der Haken der Bildhauerei“, Gerhard Marcks Haus, Bremen


MAM Galerie Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Gallery Chobot, Vienna, Austria
„Alfred Haberpointner im Zisterzienserstift Wilhering“, Schloss Wilhering, Linz, Austria


„Alfred Haberpointner – Træsformationer“, Würth
Kulturforum, Kolding, Denmark
Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria

Price upon request
