Alfred Haberpointner

Salzburg-born sculptor Alfred Haberpointner creates wooden sculptures that oscillate between an abstract, geometric form and a figurative image. With his work series spanning over the last two decades, Haberpointner proves how he has innovatively dealt with wooden materials and freed himself from the roots of craft-based, naturalistic wooden sculpture. In his "chopped images," he gives the wooden material an intense presence through systematic, rhythmic sections, which emerge through close observation and exploration of the textured surfaces and result in a dance between light and shadow. He is concerned with form in his works, particularly in the treatment of wood in all possible nuances and shadings. In each of his artworks, one can see the traces of the work process: Haberpointner subjects his reliefs and sculptures to a powerful, mechanical work process that leaves traces on the works. Through beating, chopping, and burning, textures emerge that give the works a relief-like surface, which lacks any mathematical precision and exudes a special aura. Alfred Haberpointner is represented in major art collections, such as the Würth Collection.

Born in Ebenau, Salzburg, Austria
College for Sculpture in Hallein, Austria
University for Design Linz, Austria
Advancement Award of University for Design Linz, Austria
Travels to Italy on a regular basis
Travels to Cologne on a regular basis
Work Scholarship granted by the region of Salzburg in Paris, France
Theodor-Körner-Prize promoting science and arts, Work Scholarship granted by the region of Salzburg
Austrian Work Scholarship by the Austrian federal ministry in New York, USA
Work Scholarship granted by the region of Salzburg in New York, USA
Promotion Award of the Province of Upper Austria
lives and works in Leonding (Linz) and Ebenau, Austria
„People Diversity“ Galerie Kovacek und Zetter GmbH, Vienna
„Alfred Haberpointner - Existence and Form“, Galerie Kovacek und Zetter Gmbh , Vienna
„Modern und Contemporary Art“ Galerie Kovacek and Zetter, GmbH, Vienna
„The long view“, Reinhold Würth and his Art, Swiridoff Verlag
„Sculptures and Paintings“, Galerie Kovacek and Zetter GmbH
The Liaunig Collection on the Move, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Austria
Masters Unveiled, Opera Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
The Monaco Masters Show, Monaco, France
Maria Schneider, Alfred Haberpointner, Hirmer Publishing Company, Munich, Germany
Blickachsen 11, Bad Homburg
The Monaco masters show, Opera Gallery, Monaco, France
Opposit attracts - Alfred Haberpointner, Opera Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
AEIOU - Austrian Aspects in the Würth Collection, Museum Würth, Künzelsau
Alfred Haberpointner, Renate Bender Gallery, Munich
"Der Haken der Bildhauerei", Gerhard Marcks House - Upper Austrian Provincial Gallery Linz / Wienand Verlag
„Köpfe/Heads – Sculptures and Drawings“, Museum Beelden aan Zee (Hrsg.), Text: Dick van Broekhuizen, Ausst. Kat. Museum Beelden aan Zee, Den Haag
„Konkrete Verwandlungen“, Text: Carl Aigner, Exh. Cat. Museum Würth Künzelsau, Swiridoff Publishing Company, Karlsruhe
„Arsenal der Köpfe“, Text: Dieter Ronte, Exh. Cat. Kunstraum Fuhrwerkswaage Cologne
„Bilder und Skulpturen“, Text: Peter Weiermaier, Exh. Cat. Gallery Reckermann Köln, Gallery Chobot Vienna, Gallery Academia Salzburg
„Bilder und Skulpturen“, Text: Margit Zuckriegl, Hanne Weskott, Lucien Kayer, Exh. Cat. Art Society Kärnten Klagenfurt, Gallery Academia Salzburg
„Bilder und Skulpturen“, Text: Christiane Vielhaber, Exh. Cat. Gallery Reckermann Köln, Gallery Academia Salzburg, Köln
„Skulpturen“, Text: Peter Baum, self-published
"Alfred Haberpointner", Galerie 422, Gmunden, Austria
"Alfred Haberpointner", A.N. Contemporary- Sammlung Bäumler, Hohenems Austria
„Alfred Haberpointner“, Galerie Scheffel, Bad Homburg
Gallery Kovacek-Zetter, Vienna
Gallery Renate Bender, Munich
Salzburg Museum, Salzburg
Gallery Mario Mauroner, Salzburg
Opera Gallery, Miami, USA
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
Opera Gallery, Genf, Switzerland
Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg
Gallery 422, Gmunden, Austria
Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
Opera Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris, France
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Espacio Micus, Ibiza, Spain
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria
Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris, France
Gallery Quintessens, Utrecht, Netherlands
Gallery Chobot, Vienna, Austria
Galerie im Feuerwerk, Fügen, Austria
„Reliefs“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Gallery 422, Gmunden, Austria
Gallery Chobot, Vienna, Austria
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
„Der Haken der Bildhauerei“, Oberösterreichische Gallery, Linz, Austria
„Textur – Struktur – Raum“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria
Galerie C-Art, Dornbirn, Austria
„Köpfe / Heads, Sculptures and Drawings“, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Netherlands
„Der Haken der Bildhauerei“, Gerhard Marcks Haus, Bremen
MAM Galerie Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
Gallery Chobot, Vienna, Austria
„Alfred Haberpointner im Zisterzienserstift Wilhering“, Schloss Wilhering, Linz, Austria
„Alfred Haberpointner – Træsformationer“, Würth
Kulturforum, Kolding, Denmark
Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
"UP IN THE AIR", Helene Bailly Gallery , Paris, Frace
"Modern & Contemporary" , Galerie Kovacek & Zetter, Wien, Austria
The Würth Collection", Leopold Museum, Wien, Austria
"Follow the rabbit", Bestandsaufnahme einer Sammlung und deren Rezeption durch chinesische Gegenwartskunst, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Austria
„Modern & Contemporary Art“ Gallery Kovacek & Zetter, Vienna, Austria
„Paint it green“, Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
„Overlaps“, Gallery Walker, Schloß Ebenau, Rosental, Austria
„LOVE“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austra
„Alfred Haberpointner / Dirk Salz“, Gallery at Lindenplace, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
„The little format“, Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg
„People diversity“, Gallery Kovacek & Zetter, Vienna, Austria
„20. Aniversary“, Espacio, Micus, Ibiza, Spain
„Garden of senses“, Mario, Mauroner Contemporary Art Salzburg, Austria
„50 Jears Gallery Chobot“, Vienna, Austria
„Tour de Force“, Point, Line, Color on the way of austrian Art since 1945, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Austria
„In small Format“, Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg
„Leonhard Kern and Europe“, The imperial treasury Vienna in dialogue with the collection Würth , Artgallery Würth, Schwäbisch Hall
„REDS“, Fougaro Art Center, Nafplion, Greece
"AEIOU" Austrian Art from the Würth Collection, Gallery Würth, Hagan, Norway
"Highlights aus der Galerie 422", Gmunden
Gallery Kovacek - Zetter, Vienna
"Weitblick - Reinhold Würth und seine Kunst", Museum Würth 2, Künzelsau
"Light after Darkness", Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg
"Abstraktion", Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris
"Bilder und Skulpturen", Galerie Kovacek und Zetter, Vienna
"Objekte der Kunst", Galerie am Lindenplatz, Vaduz, (LIE)
"For Beiruth with Love", Opera Galerie, Beiruth, Libanon
"Illuminations of ideas", Galerie VON UND VON
"Blue", Gallery Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Vienna
"NATURE(S) A FLEUR DE PINCEAU", Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris
"The MONACO MASTERS SHOW, Opera gallery, Monaco
"Die Farbe BLAU" Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg
"Like Home" Die Sammlung Frohnberg, Stadtgalerie Salzburg
"Die Spitze des Eisbergs", Museum der Moderne Salzburg
"BLACK and BLUE, Fougaro Art Center, Nafpilon, Greece
BRAFA, Brussels, Belgium
„Wood“, Galerie Frey, Vienna, Austria
Galerie Gölles, Austria
„Winterreigen“, Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
Art Karlsruhe
„A.E.I.O.U. – L'arte austriaca nella Collezione Würth“, L'Art Forum Würth, Capena, Italy
„11 in 4“, GALERIE VON&VON, Nuremberg
„Blickachsen 11“, Bad Homburg
Schloss Ebenau – Gallery Walker, Klagenfurt, Austria
Art Karlsruhe, GALERIE VON&VON, Nuremberg
Art Austria
„The Monaco Masters Show“, Opera Gallery, Monaco
„AEIOU – Österreichische Kunst in der Sammlung Würth“, Würth Art Forum, Capena, Italy
„Ein Original von ...“, Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
„Malerei und Skulptur“, Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg
„Wood“, Gallery Frey, Vienna, Austria
„Winterreigen“, Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
Gallery Gölles, Fürstenfeld, Austria
„100 Köpfe“, Die Galerie, Frankfurt
Art Paris, Art Karlsruhe, Art Austria, Art Miami, Vienna Art Contemporary, ART.FAIR Cologne, Art Elysée Paris
„Waldeslust“, Forum Würth, Rorschach, Switzerland
Galerie Goldener Engel, Hall, Austria
„Parcours D’Art“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
„Andante Giocoso“, MAM Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
„Improvisation et Abstraction“, Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris, France
„The physicality and the spiritual“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
„Bildwelten der Reduktion“, Kunstraum RLB, Innsbruck, Austria
„Faszination Farbe“, Kunsthaus Fürstenfeldbruck
„L’Art en bleu“, Helene Bailly Gallery, Paris, France
„Schöpferische Dichte“, Art Room Würth, Böheimkirchen, Austria
„AEIOU – Österreichische Aspekte in der Sammlung Würth“, Museum Würth, Künzelsau
Gallery Renate Bender, Munich
„Constructed”, Stadtgalerie Salzburg, Austria
„Realität und Abstraktion II”, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Austria
„Waldeslust“, Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbisch Hall
„Primavera“, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
„Das Kreuz in der Bildhauerei”, Dom Museum Vienna, Austria
„Winterreigen”, Gallery Schmidt, Tirol, Austria
Gallery Schmidt, Reith/Tirol, Austria
„Realität und Abstraktion“, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, Austria
„Ich trau meinen Augen nicht“, Karikaturmuseum, Krems, Austria
„Great“, MAM Galerie Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
„Blickachsen 8“, Bad Homburg
„Surface – Oberfläche als Prinzip“, Landesgalerie Oberösterreich, Linz, Austria
„You never know what will happen next“, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria
„Dreams“, MAM Galerie Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
„Raum Körper Einsatz“, MUSA, Vienna, Austria
„Crossover“, WELTI modern art, Zurich, Switzerland
„Hauptsache Köpfe“, Gallery Reckermann, Cologne
„One night stand“, Oberösterreichische Landesgalerie, Linz, Austria
„Schaurausch“, OK-Centrum for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria
„35th anniversary exhibition“, MAM Galerie Mario Maurer Contemporary Art, Salzburg, Austria
„Malerei und Skulptur. Horst Thürheimer und Alfred Haberpointner“, State Gallery, Rosenheim
Innovative approach to wood & metal
Bettina Berg, The Gerhard Marcks House
Born in Salzburg in 1966, the sculptor makes wooden sculptures that oscillate between an abstract geometric form and a concrete figurative image. With six groups of works from the last two decades, Haberpointner demonstrates how innovatively he has explored wood as a material, freeing himself from the roots of naturalistic wood sculpture, which is characterized by craftsmanship. He is concerned with form, above all with the treatment of wood in all its possible nuances and shades.
One can see the traces of the working process in each of his works of art: Haberpointner subjects his sculptures to a powerful mechanical treatment that leaves traces on the works. Through beating, chopping, burning, textures emerge that condense into a graphic surface on the artworks, lacking any mathematical rigor and unfolding a special aura. His larger-than-life heads, carved out of wood, shift from abstract to meaning-laden form. Still other round objects are covered with nails and look like metal urchins.
In other wooden objects, Haberpointner has driven the metal nails in as far as they will go, so that the smooth surface appears to be covered with a shimmering silver nail armor. Also on display are his latest "chopped pictures": large-format, often monochrome wall objects whose surfaces are structured by deliberate axe strokes. Through systematic subdivisions that take up the rhythm of medieval triptychs, he lends the simple material of wood an intense radiance.