B. Fischotter & O. Aubry

25.Mar - 17.May 2014

In her drawings and watercolors, the artist Birgit Fischötter actually takes very real natural plants as her starting point: Seed pods, buds, branches, blossoms she subjects to meticulous research with her drawing pencil, coming very close to the structures and systems of the plant. Close study has unusually transformed the objects examined: they appear like alien architectures or objects designed by futuristic designers. In addition, Birgit Fischötter overlays her sheets with a rhythmic-dynamic drawing gesture, which expresses the inner preoccupation of the draftswoman after the concentrated research and complements the recognized secret structure of the plants with the inner structure of the person drawing. A whole cosmos opens up, in Birgit Fischötter's work rather quietly and deliberately.
Heide Weidele

In dieser Zeit der Globalisierung versuchen meine Bilder, zu etwas Besonderem und Eigenartigem zurückzukehren. Sie entstehen aus dem unaufhörlichen Fluss der Radiowellen. In meinem Atelier verwandelt sich die Welt in ein Echo. Ich recycle das Informationsgewirr, mische es, schneide es, stecke es in ein unbewusstes, erheiterndes Spiel, dessen Bedeutung ungewiss bleibt, und so wird das Bild zur Materialisierung einer gedanklichen Skizze aus Worten und Bildern ohne Emotionalität und Lyrik. Der Betrachter wird auf die Probe gestellt: Ist es ernst? Ist es ironisch? Ist es ein Scherz? Ist es fast nichts? Wenn man nicht klar erkennen kann, was man sieht, muss man einen ganz neuen Blick haben.
Olivier Aubry

Olivier Aubry


Oil on canvas

146 x 114 cm

€ 4.600,00

Olivier Aubry


Oil on canvas

146 x 114 cm

€ 4.600,00

Olivier Aubry


Oil on canvas

146 x 114 cm

€ 4.600,00

Olivier Aubry


Oil on canvas

138 x 114 cm

€ 4.600,00

Olivier Aubry


Oil on canvas

146 x 114 cm

€ 4.600,00

Olivier Aubry

The art of the artist Olivier Aubry, who lives and works in Lille, oscillates between the boundaries of painting and drawing. Drawing was always a medium that provided him with a starting point. He describes it as his "daily exercise", which underlines the spontaneous character of his works. Each picture has its own harmoniously balanced color combination. By allowing deeper layers of color to remain visible at the edges of the canvas, an exciting interpretive field of positive and negative space emerges. This gives the drawings the appearance of engravings that have been etched onto the canvas. Oliver Aubry's works create dialogues between linear forms. Because of the ephemerality and complexity of our globalized society, he wants to create a counterbalance and something that lasts. His goal is to crystallize an essence. In order to achieve this, he utilizes a universally comprehensible, almost childlike, anti-perfectionist visual language.

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